We offer 2 investment models for investors
Venture capital investment
Venture capital investment means an equity investment of a management company. The programme is available to both retail investors with small cheques and institutional funds.
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Dividend investment
Some more facts about

Extensive experience in IT
We have been developing IT services for retail and e-commerce since 1998.
Perfect quality of equipment
We use only professional high-quality equipment that will be in use for a very long time.
Total digitalisation
We have created the perfect trade platform, which has no analogues in the world. The functionality of the platform not only helps you manage your business online, but also brings you a steady income, minimising downtime.
The platform allows sales outlets to operate in a variety of formats. It can be integrated into any business.
This resource is not an investment platform in the meaning of Federal Law № 259-FZ dated 02.08.2019 “About investment attraction with use of investment platforms and about modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation”.